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HCPCS vs CPT: Everything You Need to Know


However, Medicare and other insurance cover a variety of different services and supplies, some of which aren’t identified by CPT codes. This is the other main set of procedure codes that classify medical services. G Codes - Professional services and temporary procedures. H Codes - Rehabilitative services.

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CalAIM: Leveraging Medicaid Managed Care for Housing and Homelessness Supports


ECM will be delivered through the managed care 1915(b) waiver and contracting with MCPs and is accounted for in capitation rates. 7] Allowable under community supports if it is necessary to achieve or maintain medical stability and prevent hospital admission or re-admission. e), as approved by CMS. 181–226 per diem. [8].

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State Strategies to Support OUD Treatment across the Criminal Legal System


The hotline, supported by both a federal Overdose to Action grant as well as the state’s CARES Act behavioral health funding , takes advantage of SAMHSA’s modified regulations during the public health emergency, providing immediate access to tele-induction of buprenorphine and linkage to continued outpatient treatment.